When asked about a site that I find to be both user friendly and to have compelling graphics I instantly think of Adobe's Kuler.
This site is used to create colour swatches for design ideas. This is all created in Flash so it will work in most computer browsers and portable browsers. This also means that it has a quick loading time and you do not need to wait for whole new pages to load, instead it cookies the data, if the browser will allow it.
On here you can create your own swatches through their simple program. There are many easy to use colour wheel options within this program such as "Monochromatic", "Triad" and "Complimentary" etc.
With these the user can find a set of colours that work well for themselves and any project they are creating. This is a vital funtion for those who are making websites as having colours that do not work well can often chase away potential visitors.
The other function of this website is to let people share their own colour charts with others, free. By simply finding the colours that they like and then putting them up onto Kuler with a short description they are letting others use their colour charts too.
Kuler also integrates seamlessly with most of the Adobe programs such as Photoshop where they become usable swatches.
Overall I find this website to be a brilliant browser program for any designer.
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